lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

~ Who says ? ♥

U made me insecure.
Told me I wasn't good enough, but Who are u judge?
when u're a diamond in the rough
I'm sure u got somethings
U'd like to change about yourself, but when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else.

I'm not beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.
U've got every right to a beautiful life.

Who says, who says u're not perfect?
Who says u're not worth it ?
Who says u're the only one that's hurting?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty.
Who says u're not pretty?
Who says u're not beautiful?
Who says ?

It's such a funny thing, how nothing's funny when it's u.
U tell 'em what u mean, but they keep whiting out the truth.
It's like a work of art, that never gets to see the light, keep u beneath 
the stars won't let u touch the sky.

I'm not beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.
U've got every right to a beautiful life.

Who says u're not start potential ? 
Who says u're not presidential ? 
Who says u can't be in movies?
Listen to me, listen to me. 
Who says u don't pass the test?
Who says u can't be the best?
Who said, who said?
Won't u tell me who said that yeah, Who says? 

Selena Gomez.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

~ Wonderland.

Te aventurarás en el mayor cuento de hadas de tu vida, una historia de liberación en una tierra mística llena de fantasías infinitas.
La vida es una serie de puertas que te llevan a direcciones. Mientras algunas es mejor dejarlas cerradas
La mayoría son senderos a un nuevo mundo, estamos frente al umbral de una mística puerta blanca.
Puerta que se abre en un tiempo y lugar que puede transformar el estado de tu mente
Donde vayamos en la noche dependerá de las puertas que abramos. Aveces tenemos que cruzar la línea entre fantasía y realidad para descubrir el placer sin límites, sin restricciones...

Alice in wonderland.